Mini Workshop on Active Matter 20171212

Program Schedule 

Time Speaker Title
9:00-9:35 Shigeyuki Komura Swimmer-microrheology
9:35-10:05 Heng-Kwong Tsao Hydrodynamic interactions in active fluids
Coffee Break
10:30-10:45 Hsiang-Ying Chen Cancer cell invasion enhanced collective motion of endothelial/cancer cell mixtures
10:45-11:00 Jilin Jou Tail retraction dynamics of MDCK cells
11:00-11:30 Hong-Ren Jiang Electrically Enhanced Self-Thermophoresis of Laser-Heated Janus Particles under a Rotating Electric Field
11:30-12:05 Andreas Menzel A particle-scale statistical description of semi-dilute suspensions of active microswimmers
12:05-12:35 Chien-Jung Lo Dynamics of self-organized rotating spiral-coils in bacterial swarms
15:00-17:00 Lab Tour