111-2物理系研究生申請學分抵免、免修Course Credit Exemption and Waiver


New students (including the transfer) should complete the procedure during the appointed period according to the school calendar of the first semester or the second semester.

物理學系碩博士班研究生修業辦法Regulation of Course Requirements for Master and PhD Programs 1050615





   National Central University Guidelines for Credits Exemption(https://pdc.adm.ncu.edu.tw/Form/form/form02-11-1f.htm)

*物理學系碩士班研究生學分抵免辦法Regulation of Credit Transfer – the Master Program

*物理學系博士班研究生學分抵免辦法Regulation of Credit Transfer – the Ph.D. Programs


申請表Application Form


  • 免修物理學系研究生課程免修申請表Application Form for the Waiver of the Courses (免修成功後,表該課程無需再修,但學分數未計入本學籍,亦不會出現在成績單上)
  • 課程抵必修課(限博士生)-物理學系博士生選修外系課程抵PH開頭課程申請表 (如博士班修業辦法註2: 如因研究所需,學生經指導教授同意後,由課程委員會審核通過,可修習本校及台聯大博士班(含碩博同修)課程,以減少上述 PH5、PH6、PH7、PH8、PHT 開頭課程之選修要求。(至多 A 組減少 2 門、B 組減少 2 門、C 組減少 2 門、D 組減少 4 門)。)( With agreement from his/her advisor and the approval of the Department Course Committee, a student taking the PhD courses offered by the University System of Taiwan can reduce the requirement of PH5, PH6, PH7,PH8, and PHT optional courses up to two for Groups A, B, and C and up to four for Group D.)