107-1學期物理系上詮光纖獎學金FOCI Scholarship申請公告(申請截止日:9/14)

國立中央大學物理學系上詮光纖獎學金辦法(FOCI Scholarship Application Procedure)

國立中央大學物理學系上詮光纖獎學金申請表(FOCI scholarship application form for financial assistance for students studying abroad)

本獎學金分為:The scholarship fund is divided into

  • 補助學生出國交流獎助(研修或實驗):每年15萬元整。獎助大學部、碩士生、 博士生各一名,每人5萬元整。Financial assistance for students studying abroad (either for study or conducting research): 150000 NTD annually. Divided equally among Bachelor’s students, Master’s students, and PhD students, 1 recipient per category, for a total of 50000 NTD per recipient.
  • 補助學生出席國際會議:每年5萬元整。Financial assistance for students to attend overseas conferences: 50000 NTD a year.
  • 研究傑出獎助:每年5萬元整。獲獎學生共五名,每人1萬元整。Research excellence award: 50000 NTD a year, awarded to 5 recipients a year, 10000 NTD each.
  • 清寒優秀學生獎助:每年5萬元整。成績優異(前一學年學業總平均70分以上,各科成績均及格)者,獲獎學生一名。Student excellence award: 50000 NTD a year. Awarded to a student with excellent grades (needing an average of at least 70 points for all subjects in the first academic year to qualify), 1 recipient.
