台聯大系統溫世仁卓越學術講座:Albie Sachs演講(4/29上午10點)

報名網址 http://goo.gl/3FuOxY

前南非大法官奧比 . 薩克思Albie Sachs演講

Albie Sachs has, through his life and work, contributed to the realization of the rule of law in a free and democratic South Africa, and to establishing a society that respects diversity and is based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights. Further, he has contributed to human rights and justice globally through an understanding of the rule of law in which the dignity of all persons is respected, and the strengths and values of all communities are embraced.
◎第一場: 4/29(三) / 10:00 中央大學 / 國鼎光電大樓 國際會議廳
Kwoh Ting Optoelectronic Building / NCU
【Converting negativity into positivity through Transitional Justice】
◎第二場: 4/30(四) / 14:00 清華大學 / 學習資源中心旺宏館 國際會議廳
MXIC Building / NTHU
【Nelson Mandela, from Lawbreaker to Lawmaker】活動聯絡人: 台灣聯大 李小姐 03-4227151 ext. 57085 / 中央大學 許老師 03-4227151 ext. 25887 / 清華大學 顏小姐 03-5742427