
Optics Letters 48, 5984 (2023)

C.-H Chu, P. C. Chang, Y. –J. Shih, D. A. Luh, M. –S Chang, T. W. Liu, Y. –T. Lin, B. W. Chen and W. –Y. Cheng

Measurement of the 5S1/2 to 5D5/2 two-photon clock transition frequency of rubidium-85 in high vacuum

我們使用在本實驗室研發的量子干涉光譜製作光鐘 ﹐獨特的做法不但高解析﹐而且避免了二級光鐘常有的頻率誤差。在高真空下我們決定了銣原子光鐘的頻率﹐為文獻所知最接近原子自然躍遷頻率。

A quantum-interfered-spectrum based Rb optical clock in high vacuum was uniquely built, by which several systematic errors in this kind of clock were avoided. The determined transition frequency by us yields the best accuracy nearest that of the unperturbed atomic two-photon transition, to our knowledge
