
Phys. Rev. Research 5, L042029

Yu-Hung Kuan, Shin-Yu Lee, Siang-Wei Shao, Wu-Cheng Chiang, I-Kang Liu, Julius Ruseckas, Gediminas Juzeliūnas, Yu-Ju Lin, and Wen-Te Liao

Synthetic Landau levels and robust chiral edge states for dark-state polaritons in a static and scalable continuum media

一般來說電中性粒子無法感受到電磁場所產生的Lorentz力。我們與立陶宛Vilnius大學、英國Newcastle大學及IAMS 合作提出利用電磁誘發透明替電中性暗態激極子產生等效磁場。我們更進一步展示如何產生並操控處於Landau能階及堅固手徵性邊界態的二維暗態激極子。我們利用光學方法在實驗室坐標系中產生的合成磁場具有可擴展性,且Aharonov-Bohm相位是在連續介質中產生,而非一般具晶格結構的拓樸材料。 我們的系統能作為多功能量子模擬器、動態可控光子線路和拓樸光量子態產生器。

We collaborate with Vilnius university, Newcastle university, and IAMS to demonstrate the generation and dynamical control of synthetic Landau levels and robust chiral edge states for neutral dark-state polaritons using electromagnetically induced transparency in our theoretical studies. We adopt an optical approach to produce synthetic magnetic fields for dark-state polaritons in the static laboratory frame. In our scalable system, an Aharonov-Bohm phase is obtained along a closed loop in a continuous material rather than a sophisticated lattice structure. Our scheme paves the way toward versatile quantum simulators, dynamically controllable photonic circuits, and generators for exotic states of light carrying topological winding numbers.

Figure. The evolution of (a) initially rightward dark state polariton (DSP) entering the medium at (x, y) = ( -2mm, 0). The subsequent snapshot at 0.2ms of the DSP edge state by (b) out-of-plane and (c)(d) into-plane synthetic magnetic field turned on at 0.038ms. In (d) the DSP bypasses the vacuum area illustrated by the white dashed square.