
Nature Communications 14, 6221

Caishan Yan, Hsuan-Yi Chen, Pik-Yin Lai & Penger Tong

Statistical laws of stick-slip friction at mesoscale


We demonstrated that stick-slip friction can be described by a common set of statistical laws of avalanche dynamics. The force needed to trigger the local slips obeys the generalized extreme value distribution, whereas the slip lengths are well-characterized by a power-law distribution with the power-law exponent explained as a result of the center-of-mass of a block moving in a random pinning force field described by an under-damped spring-block model subjected to a Brownian-correlated pinning force field. This model captures the essential physics of the stick-slip friction at mesoscale, providing a long-sought physical mechanism for the avalanche dynamics in stick-slip friction.

(a)觸發局部滑移所需的最大力 與 (b) 不同掃描速率下的滑移長度的分布。