周季賢朱旭新碩士111High-Harmonic Generation beyond the Traditional Phase-Matching Cutoff Energy畢業論文
尚尼陳貴賢、陳賜原博士111Electronic Band Structure Engineering for High Thermoelectric Performance in Ternary-Skutterudite Semiconductors畢業論文
林宏霖井上優貴碩士111Improvement of error estimation of calibration by maximum likelihood method畢業論文
哈比恩朱旭新/藏滿康浩碩士111Induced Compton Scattering In a Laser Produced Plasma畢業論文
柯宜室陳志強碩士111A new method to detect the direction of Information Flow between two-time series using a compression algorithm畢業論文
張乃軒陳永富碩士111Design and Performance Verification of Flux-Driven Josephson Parametric Amplifier畢業論文
張芷瑛陳永富碩士111Study of Qubit Dispersive Readout Optimization畢業論文
張家綾李明道碩士111Influence of lanosterol on the interaction between α-crystallin and SM membranes畢業論文