林裕翔李文献碩士095The oxygen vacancy and spin polarization of cuprous oxide nanoparticle(奈米氧化亞銅微粒的氧化缺陷及自旋極化)畢業論文
徐殊凡陳志強碩士095An experimental study of the motility of slime mold(黏菌之運動模型研究)畢業論文
陳岱沂陳志強碩士095Nonlinear Stochastic Effect of Ion Channels on Current Fluctuations(離子通道電流漲落的非線性行為)畢業論文
廖振廷伊林碩士095Microscopic Particle Dynamics in Dust Acoustic Waves and Dusty Plasma Bubbles(微粒聲波與微粒電漿微泡之粒子動力學)畢業論文
蘇致瑋李弘謙碩士095A Denoising Method based on the Hilbert-Huang Transform and an application to Current Source Identification from EEG Data(以希爾伯-黃轉換為基礎的去噪音方法以及從腦電儀資料辨識電流源的應用)畢業論文
林政達陳方玉碩士095Abnomal heat release of melittin binding to saturated lipid membrane(蜂毒蛋白吸附飽和鏈脂膜的異常放熱)畢業論文
陳夙容陳方玉碩士095Leakage of lipid vesicle studied by dye fluorescence method(以螢光染料方法研究脂質微胞的滲漏)畢業論文
周俐君李弘謙碩士095Mechanisms of Prion disease revealed by molecular dynamic simulations(普恩蛋白發病機制的分子動力學模擬研究)畢業論文
詹佳伶伊林博士095Microstructural evolution and irreversibility in the viscoelastic response of mesoscopic dusty-plasma liquids國際期刊
劉建良聶斯特碩士095On the quasi-local energy and the cohice of reference國內研討會